Here are a few ideas of what you can include in the time capsule when giving as a wedding gift:
| Romantic Gourmet Picnic For Two Wedding Time Capsule Gift Set Amazon Price: $49.99 |
| A Wedding Time Capsule Gift Basket Amazon Price: $53.98 |
| Milestone Collection Wedding Time Capsule Amazon Price: $35.00 |
- Wedding Invitations
- Wedding Napkins
- Reception party favors
- Pictures of the wedding day and/or rehearsal and reception (could be on a disc)
- Wedding Video
- Cork from the Champagne Bottle
- Personalized note from Bride and Groom
- A copy of the Bride and Groom Wedding Speech
- A framed copy of their wedding vows
These are just a few of thetime capsule ideaswhen you are giving one as awedding gift. There are various different types of styles of containers you may want to use for the capsule itself as long as it is secure and can be put away for a later re-opening date.
When choosing the actual time capsule (not contents), you want to get one that not only looks good but also one that can be sealed airtight.
Being sealed will protect any and all of the wedding memorabilia to be stored in the time capsule.
Nothing would be worse than to skimp on this part and their pictures or wedding vows or invitations end up ruined before they even got to open the wedding time capsule.
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